Sometimes all you need is a forum to find your voice.
There is no greater power than human connection
GREWP serves as a social media support group, providing a platform for individuals with common challenges to connect. It is a space where members of our community can offer support, encouragement, and comfort to one another and receive the same in return.
Our mission is to give everyone the power to be heard and share their unique story without hate or barriers. Free expression is a human right and we believe that everyone has a voice, and the right to use it.
You may not directly attack, demean, bully or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation. gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.
We have a zero tolerance policy against bullying, threats, or hateful speech, and reserve the right to remove any content that we deem to be dangerous, violent, or not in coordination with our ideals.
Medical Disclaimer: the content on this website are people’s lived experiences and does not substitute for professional medical advice.